Terms of Service


Article 1 Definition 

These terms and conditions apply to Megicshop (hereinafter referred to as ``this website'') operated by ``our company'', and to all customers (hereinafter referred to as ``users'') who use our company and this website, as well as members who use our company in the manner specified by our company. This determines the relationship with registered users (hereinafter referred to as "members").

Article 2 About these Terms 

These Terms and Conditions include any guidelines added to specific services on this website. We will assume that you have accepted the terms of this agreement when you use this website. In addition, our company may change the contents of these terms and each guideline as necessary and at our discretion without prior notice. Users will be deemed to have accepted the changes to these Terms and Conditions at the time these Terms and Guidelines are changed. Please refer to the latest terms of use when using the service.

Article 3 Scope of application of these Terms 

These terms and conditions apply to the provision and use of the online shopping site "Megicshop" (hereinafter referred to as "this service") operated by our company, and those who use this service such as viewing and purchasing (hereinafter referred to as "user") ) shall apply to the Company.

Article 4 Use of this service 

  (1) Users shall use this Service in accordance with these Terms and the shopping guide separately established by the Company.

  (2) Our company may change the content of this service at our convenience without prior notice to users.

  (3) Our company may terminate the provision of this service at our convenience. If the Company terminates the provision of the Service, the Company will notify users in advance of the termination date by posting on the Company's website, etc.

Article 5 Membership Registration 

  (1) Users can apply for membership registration when using this service and purchasing products.

  (2) Once you have completed your membership registration, Megic will send you the latest information and campaign information via e-mail magazine, so please set your settings so that you can receive e-mails from Megic. Please note that we may also send you important notices and information via email. If you wish to stop receiving the e-mail newsletter, you can do so from the member registration details change page on My Page.

  (3) If it is found that the person who applied for membership registration has had their membership registration canceled in the past due to a violation of these Terms, etc., or if the application details of the person who applied for membership registration contain false information. If the Company determines that it is inappropriate to approve the application for membership registration, the Company may not approve the registration application.

  (4) Membership registration is limited to those who have an address in Japan.

  (5) If there are any changes to the user's address, name, telephone number, e-mail address, or other registered information, the user shall notify the user by a method separately designated by the Company.

Article 6 Protection of personal information 

Members' personal information is held by our company and handled in accordance with our separately established privacy policy. However, this does not apply if disclosure is required by law, or if a formal inquiry based on law is received from a public institution such as a court or police, or a bar association.

Article 7 Agreement _ 

When placing an order through this website, members agree to the following points:

  (1) Due to the printing process, there may be slight differences in the colors and designs displayed on the website.

  (2) We cannot accept requests for returns or exchanges due to incorrect order selection.

Article 8 Prohibitions 

Users shall not engage in the following acts.

  (1) Acts of applying false information when registering as a member or using this service

  (2) Acts that interfere with the operation of this service or other acts that may interfere with this service.

  (3) Acts of using this service by fraudulently using a credit card

  (4) Acts of illegally using email addresses and passwords, or acts of transferring or lending IDs and passwords to third parties.

  (5) Acts that cause inconvenience, disadvantage, or damage to other users, third parties, or the Company, or acts that are likely to cause such trouble.

  (6) Acts that violate public order and morals, or other acts that violate laws or regulations, or acts that may be likely to do so.

  (7) Other acts that our company deems inappropriate.

Article 9 Mail magazine, etc. 

Members agree that the Company may distribute information regarding the Service, announcements regarding system maintenance, and other information that the Company deems appropriate to the Member by means such as e-mail.

Article 10 Changes and cancellation of this service 

For the purpose of proper operation of this Service, the Company may change the content and specifications of this Service, or suspend or discontinue the provision of this Service without prior notice to members. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage or disadvantage caused to members due to changes, suspension, cancellation, etc.

Article 11 Infringement of intellectual property rights 

  (1) Users are obligated to check whether images to be printed do not infringe on third party copyrights, portrait rights, etc., and our company shall not be obligated to do so.

  (2) If a third party files a claim for damages or an objection on the grounds of infringement of copyrights, portrait rights, etc. regarding products printed or created by the user using this website, the user shall We shall take responsibility for dealing with such matters, and our company shall not be held responsible in any way.

Article 12 About payment methods 

  (1) The payment amount for products, etc. is the total of the purchase price of products, etc. including consumption tax, various fees related thereto, and other prescribed expenses determined by our company.

  (2) Payment for products purchased through this service shall be limited to payment by credit card in the member's name or a payment method separately approved by the Company.

  (3) In the case of payment by credit card, the terms and conditions separately entered into by the member with the credit card company shall apply. In the event that any dispute arises between the member and the credit card company regarding the use of the credit card, the member and the credit card company shall be responsible for resolving the dispute.

Article 13 Purchase of products 

  (1) If the customer wishes to purchase a product, the customer shall apply for purchase of the product using the method prescribed by the Company.

  (2) The customer shall confirm the order details, delivery address, etc. entered or registered by the customer before clicking the button to place the order.

  (3) After confirming the customer's order, the Company shall send an email to the customer in the order of confirmation of the order details and shipping information of the product. A sales contract regarding the product shall be established between the Company and the Company.

  (4) If the product ordered by the customer is not in stock, the Company will not send the customer an email regarding shipping information for the product, and the order will be treated as canceled. If payment for the product has already been made, the refund will be made using a method separately determined by the Company.

  (5) Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, if there is any fraudulent or inappropriate act regarding the use of this service, or if there is any act that violates this agreement and Article 12 (prohibited matters) of the membership agreement, the Company will The Company may terminate or cancel the contract or take any other measures it deems appropriate.

  (6) If a minor (person under 20 years of age at the time of product purchase) makes a purchase application, it will be assumed that the consent of a parent or guardian has been obtained. Please note that you may not make a purchase application without the prior consent of a parent or guardian.

Article 14 Terms of Use 

Even if some provisions of these Terms of Use are deemed invalid, the validity of the other provisions will not be affected and the other provisions will remain valid.

Article 15 Regarding returns and exchanges of products, etc. 

  (1) Returns or exchanges of products shall be limited to cases where there is damage during delivery, nonconformity of the product, etc. with the contract, incorrect delivery, counterfeit products, pirated copies, or other reasons attributable to our company. Please note that even if you request an exchange, we may not be able to do so due to product shortages, etc. In such a case, the Company shall refund the amount paid for the product, etc.

  (2) The member shall apply for the return/exchange specified in the preceding paragraph in accordance with the procedures separately determined by the Company, and the Company shall bear all shipping costs for the products, etc. related to such return/exchange.

Article 16 Disclaimer regarding products, etc. 

  (1) The Company shall not be held responsible for the quality, materials, functions, performance, compatibility with other products, or other defects of the products sold through this service, or any damages, losses, disadvantages, etc. caused by these. shall not assume any guarantees or liability except as provided in the preceding article.

  (2) In the event that the delivery address is unknown, the Company will contact the contact information registered by the customer and deliver the product to the delivery address specified at the time of product purchase. shall be deemed to have fulfilled this obligation, and shall be discharged from such liability.

  (3) Our company holds events such as sales irregularly within this service. In this case, the sales amount may change, but the Company will not respond to any request for the difference.

  (4) In addition to this service, our company may sell similar products using services operated by other companies. In this case, the selling price may differ from the selling price for this service, but the Company will not respond to any requests for the difference.

Article 1 7 Disclaimer 

We are not responsible for any damage caused by system interruption, delay, cancellation, loss of data, unauthorized access to data due to communication line or computer failure, or any other damage caused to members regarding our services. I assume that.


Established on August 31, 2021

For inquiries regarding these Terms of Use and this service, please contact us below.

E-mail: sz991177@gmail.com

Customer Service Hours: Email Customer Service 7 * 24 Hours Support