Privacy Policy

[Megicshop], in view of the importance of protecting personal information,

We will comply with the privacy policy and strive to protect customer privacy.

Definition of personal information

"Personal information" is information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descriptions contained in the information, and that can be easily compared with other information. This refers to information that can be used to identify a specific individual.

  1. Regarding acquisition of personal information

Our shop may collect your personal information when you purchase products or make inquiries.

When collecting personal information, we clearly state the purpose of use and use lawful and fair means.

The personal information collected at our shop is as follows.

  1. name
  2. Address
  3. Your phone number
  4. email address
  5. Shipping information
  6. Transaction history with our shop and its contents
  7. Information that can identify a specific individual by combining the above
  1. Regarding use of personal information

Our shop uses personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use.

When using personal information for purposes not specified below, we will do so after obtaining the consent of the individual in advance.

(1) For operations related to providing information and services regarding various products and services and shipping products.

(2) To create statistical data on the use of our shop services

  1. Regarding the safety management of personal information

Our shop will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information we handle, and to safely manage personal information.

  1. Regarding entrustment of personal information

When our shop entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information to a third party, we will conduct a strict investigation of the third party and ensure that the handling of the personal information entrusted to us is managed safely. We will provide necessary and appropriate supervision over all three parties.

  1. Regarding provision of personal information to third parties

Our shop will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the consent of the person in advance, except as stipulated by laws and regulations such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

  1. Disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information

If we receive a request from a person to disclose his/her personal information, we will promptly disclose it.

At that time, if we cannot confirm your identity, we will not respond to disclosure.

If there is an error in the content of personal information and the person requests correction, addition, or deletion, we will promptly respond to these requests after investigating.

If we cannot confirm your identity, we will not respond to these requests.

  1. About the use of cookies

Our company may use cookies in order to provide better services to our customers, but this does not allow us to collect personally identifiable information and does not infringe on your privacy.

Additionally, if you do not wish to accept cookies, you can change your browser settings.

*Cookies are information sent from a server computer to your browser and stored on your computer's hard disk.

  1. Changes to this policy

The contents of this policy are subject to change. The revised policy will become effective from the time it is posted on this website, unless otherwise specified by our shop.